Monday, July 30, 2012
Memorable quotes from my fav Movie
"Life's all about moments, of impact and how they changes our lives forever.
But what if one day you could no longer remember any of them? ".......
"The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change.
Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together.
Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures.
Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these.
You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you.
You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may.
And wait.......For the next collision."
p/s: cube la teka cite apa ni?
But what if one day you could no longer remember any of them? ".......
"The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change.
Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together.
Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures.
Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these.
You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you.
You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may.
And wait.......For the next collision."
p/s: cube la teka cite apa ni?
Friday, July 27, 2012
6 sifat perempuan yang bakal dijauhi....
Jangan kahwini perempuan yang ada 6 sifat ini
Pesanan Rasulullah saw untuk kaum Lelaki : "Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam, jangan yang ananah, yang mananah, dan yang hananah dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah, yang basaqah dan yang syadaqah".
1.Wanita Ananah : wanita yang banyak mengomen itu dan ini. Apa yang diberi atau dilakukan suami untuk rumahnya tangga semua tidak kena dan tidak berpuas hati.
2.Wanita Mananah : wanita sebegini yang menidakkan usaha dan jasa suami sebaliknya mendabik dada dialah yang banyak berkorban untuk membangun rumah tangga. Dia suka mengungkit-ungkit apa yang dilakukan untuk kebaikan rumah tangga. Biasanya wanita ini bekerja atau berkedudukan tinggi dan bergaji besar.
3.Wanita Hananah : Menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain dan wanita ini berangan-angan mendapatkan suami yang lebih baik dari suami yang sedia ada. Dalam kata lain wanita sebegini tidak bersyukur dengan jodohnya itu. Wanita sebegini yang mengkufuri nikmat perkahwinan. Dia juga merendahkan kebolehan dan kemampuan suaminya.
4.Wanita Hadaqah : melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya utk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya selain itu wanita ini suka ikut nafsunya. Wanita sebigini memeningkan kepala lelaki. Dia tenguk apa saja dia mahu. Dia suka membandingkan dirinya dengan diri orang lain. Suka menunjuk-nujuk. Wanita inilah yang menjadikan suami dulu handsome sekarang sudah botak.
5. Wanita Basaqah : ada 2 makna:
Pertama wanita sebegini yang suka bersolek dan menghiaskan diri. Dia menghias diri bukan untuk suaminya tetapi untuk ditunjuk-tujukkan kepada dunia. Suka melawa. Wangnya dihabiskan untuk membeli make-up, kasut dan barang kemas. Wanita begini juga suka dipuji-puji. Kalau dia kebetulan menjadi isteri orang ternama dan menjadi pula ketua dalam kumpulan itu, orang lain tidak boleh mengatasi dirinya.
Kedua dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagiannya.
6.Wanita Syadaqah : banyak cakap, tidak menentu lagi bising. Kebecokan itu juga menyebabkan segala kerja yang dibuatnya tidak menjadi, hanya tukang sibuk dan komen saja.
Dicatat oleh Imam Al-Ghazalli.
Pesanan Rasulullah saw untuk kaum Lelaki : "Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam, jangan yang ananah, yang mananah, dan yang hananah dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah, yang basaqah dan yang syadaqah".
1.Wanita Ananah : wanita yang banyak mengomen itu dan ini. Apa yang diberi atau dilakukan suami untuk rumahnya tangga semua tidak kena dan tidak berpuas hati.
2.Wanita Mananah : wanita sebegini yang menidakkan usaha dan jasa suami sebaliknya mendabik dada dialah yang banyak berkorban untuk membangun rumah tangga. Dia suka mengungkit-ungkit apa yang dilakukan untuk kebaikan rumah tangga. Biasanya wanita ini bekerja atau berkedudukan tinggi dan bergaji besar.
3.Wanita Hananah : Menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain dan wanita ini berangan-angan mendapatkan suami yang lebih baik dari suami yang sedia ada. Dalam kata lain wanita sebegini tidak bersyukur dengan jodohnya itu. Wanita sebegini yang mengkufuri nikmat perkahwinan. Dia juga merendahkan kebolehan dan kemampuan suaminya.
4.Wanita Hadaqah : melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya utk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya selain itu wanita ini suka ikut nafsunya. Wanita sebigini memeningkan kepala lelaki. Dia tenguk apa saja dia mahu. Dia suka membandingkan dirinya dengan diri orang lain. Suka menunjuk-nujuk. Wanita inilah yang menjadikan suami dulu handsome sekarang sudah botak.
5. Wanita Basaqah : ada 2 makna:
Pertama wanita sebegini yang suka bersolek dan menghiaskan diri. Dia menghias diri bukan untuk suaminya tetapi untuk ditunjuk-tujukkan kepada dunia. Suka melawa. Wangnya dihabiskan untuk membeli make-up, kasut dan barang kemas. Wanita begini juga suka dipuji-puji. Kalau dia kebetulan menjadi isteri orang ternama dan menjadi pula ketua dalam kumpulan itu, orang lain tidak boleh mengatasi dirinya.
Kedua dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagiannya.
6.Wanita Syadaqah : banyak cakap, tidak menentu lagi bising. Kebecokan itu juga menyebabkan segala kerja yang dibuatnya tidak menjadi, hanya tukang sibuk dan komen saja.
Dicatat oleh Imam Al-Ghazalli.
Islam itu Indah
Arsenal vs Malaysia XI (Pre-Season 2012)
Arsenal is My life
Monday, July 23, 2012
Arsenal Tours 2012 - Fans Party at Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Emirates Events |
Diaby |
Gift for Arsenal UK |
Carl Jekinson - Young Gunners |
Next arsenal Captain... hahaha |
Arsenal is My life
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Bulan Puasa datang lagi.......
Assalammualaikum wbt...
Sudah lama agaknya aku tidak menulis diblog....previous post mostly copy from ok lah.. at least sharing is caring kan?, hari 19hb July 2012, khamis dan esok pastinya hari yang dinanti2 kan oleh seluruh umat islam diseluruh dunia... Ramadhan... bulan pengampunan dan bulan pembebasan dari api neraka datang lagi. Syukur kita tak terhingga kepada ALLAH SWT kerana masih memilih kita bertemu dengan bulan yang ditunggu dan dirindui bulan Ramadhan. Adalah lebih baik kita memulakan bulan Ramadhan dengan memohon maaf kepada ibubapa, suami kepada isteri, isteri kepada suami, jiran-jiran, kaum keluarga, sahabat dan musuh kita.
Semoga Ramadhan bulan Rahmat, Pengampunan dan Pembebasan dari api neraka tahun ini akan menjadi madrasah realiti yang terbaik untuk kita muhasabah diri menjadi hambah ALLAH SWT yang lebih baik untuk persediaan alam kubur dan akhirat yang entah macam mana bahagiannya untuk kita.
Mari kita berdoa semuga ALLAH SWT beri hidayah kepada mereka yang rasa terseksa dengan kedatangan Ramadhan tak kiralah yang tua atau remaja Islam yang lansung tidak berpuasa di bulan ramadhan.
Aku seisi keluarga pohon ampun dan maaf jika ada kata-kata yang salah, tulisan yang menyentuh hati, janji yang terlupa, prasangka buruk antara kita dan apa sahaja yang menyebabkan kemarahan keluarga dan rakan yang jauh dan dekat. Semuga Ramadhan bulan Rahmat, Pengampunan dan Pembebasan dari api neraka ini kita tidak menjadi orang rugi.
Sudah lama agaknya aku tidak menulis diblog....previous post mostly copy from ok lah.. at least sharing is caring kan?, hari 19hb July 2012, khamis dan esok pastinya hari yang dinanti2 kan oleh seluruh umat islam diseluruh dunia... Ramadhan... bulan pengampunan dan bulan pembebasan dari api neraka datang lagi. Syukur kita tak terhingga kepada ALLAH SWT kerana masih memilih kita bertemu dengan bulan yang ditunggu dan dirindui bulan Ramadhan. Adalah lebih baik kita memulakan bulan Ramadhan dengan memohon maaf kepada ibubapa, suami kepada isteri, isteri kepada suami, jiran-jiran, kaum keluarga, sahabat dan musuh kita.
Semoga Ramadhan bulan Rahmat, Pengampunan dan Pembebasan dari api neraka tahun ini akan menjadi madrasah realiti yang terbaik untuk kita muhasabah diri menjadi hambah ALLAH SWT yang lebih baik untuk persediaan alam kubur dan akhirat yang entah macam mana bahagiannya untuk kita.
Mari kita berdoa semuga ALLAH SWT beri hidayah kepada mereka yang rasa terseksa dengan kedatangan Ramadhan tak kiralah yang tua atau remaja Islam yang lansung tidak berpuasa di bulan ramadhan.
Aku seisi keluarga pohon ampun dan maaf jika ada kata-kata yang salah, tulisan yang menyentuh hati, janji yang terlupa, prasangka buruk antara kita dan apa sahaja yang menyebabkan kemarahan keluarga dan rakan yang jauh dan dekat. Semuga Ramadhan bulan Rahmat, Pengampunan dan Pembebasan dari api neraka ini kita tidak menjadi orang rugi.
Islam itu Indah
Monday, July 16, 2012
Volunteerism can help to cure your stress and depression
A FEW weeks ago, I witnessed one of my dreams being realised - the birth of our volunteer portal, Do Good Volunteer (
This volunteer portal matches people like you and me, who desire to help and volunteer but never know where to look for volunteering opportunities, with organisations that need help and resources.
For years, I longed to see this “connection” happen, and finally, our team at Leaderonomics, with help from the team at The Star, has managed to pull off this magical portal.
But why was this so important to me and my team at Leaderonomics? Because volunteerism is how our nation can be transformed. More than that, volunteerism is the under-utilised secret weapon that individuals and corporations can leverage to take your organisation to greater heights.
For some strange reasons, in many corporations, volunteerism and CSR get branded together and are usually thrown to HR leaders to manage. Most business leaders view it as an activity that organisations need to occasionally dabble in. And for HR, there are usually more pressing issues like ensuring employee productivity, retention, and enabling their talent to grow and develop new skills and abilities. Volunteerism is thus thrust to the backburner as a nice to-do. What most leaders fail to understand is that volunteerism enables HR to achieve all their goals. Additionally, it provides a vehicle for the business to reach a lot of its strategic goals. And it is free.
You want to live longer?
We know volunteering is good for your soul. But do you know that volunteering drives up productivity in organisations? Study after study show that volunteers actually live longer and have lower rates of disease than their peers who don't volunteer, no matter what age.
Research from both the Mayo Clinic and the University of California conclude that there are significant health benefits to volunteering, including lower mortality rates. Another study concluded that retirees over 65 who volunteered had less than half the risk of dying compared to their non-volunteering peers. “We found that volunteering remains a powerful predictor of decreased mortality among retirees, even after extensive adjustment for possible confounding factors,” wrote the study's authors. “Yes, volunteers live longer”, chimes Dr Gary Kennedy, who was one of the doctors who led another study in San Francisco.
In yet another study, people with chronic pain who volunteered as peer counsellors found that theirheart diseases, disability, chronic pain and feelings of depression all lessened from volunteering.
A Duke University study found that individuals who volunteered after experiencing heart attacks reported reductions in despair and depression two factors that that have been linked to mortality in post-coronary artery disease patients.
Imagine the implications for HR from ensuring volunteerism is a key agenda in your organisation: lower medical bills, fitter employees, more engaged workforce, people happier and more productive and you would have employees that lived very long and happy lives.
Combating depression
In fact, the most common workplace issue is stress and depression. And what is a possible cure? You guessed right volunteerism!
Volunteering combats depression. When we volunteer, our bodies produce oxytocin, which counters stress hormones associated with depression, such as cortisol and epinephrine.
A key risk factor for depression is social isolation. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and enables you to develop a firm support system, protecting you against stress and depression in challenging times.
“People who are socially engaged will have a better quality of life and better survival,” reinforces Dr Gary Kennedy.
In fact, employees who volunteer have higher self-confidence levels than those who don't. Volunteering provides a healthy boost to your self-esteem and life contentment. Doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment and purpose. It also gives you a sense of pride and identity.
And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and perform much better at work and at complicated tasks.
But the most important benefit that volunteerism brings to organisations is that it is a proven way to develop leaders.
Leaders are developed by experiences. A number of years ago, I led the volunteer organisation at General Electric (GE) and observed many careers developed through volunteerism. One such case was Sheela Chandran, who rose from an administrative assistant to a regional leader. Even as a secretary, Sheela got involved in organising volunteer activities for everyone at the office. She learned to influence people to support her causes and learned to mobilise groups of people.
At volunteer events, she would project manage, lead and give instructions to all of us to follow. She learned numerous leadership skills (for free!) by volunteering and leading volunteering efforts.
Her developing ability as a leader was noticed and she was promoted to more senior roles in the organisation.
Volunteering can also help you build upon skills you already have and use them to further your career. Just like Sheela, who improved her public speaking, communication, marketing and influencing skills, HR leaders should leverage volunteerism as a great leadership development tool. And in many cases, especially for young people, there are not many leadership roles available in your workplace to practice leadership. Volunteering provides your young people opportunity to practice leadership.
Another interesting research fact: 90% of successful corporate leaders were involved in some form of community work whilst they were young, enabling them to practice leadership at an early age. Yet many of these leaders have forgotten that this same means of their development should now be leveraged for their employee's development.
So, why do organisations not reap the benefits of volunteerism in a bigger way? Part of the issue is the perception that volunteering requires heaps of time.
But for you to live longer and benefit from the great side effects of volunteerism, research shows that you would only need to invest about 100 volunteer hours a year.
That breaks down to two to three hours a week. Just two to three hours a week and you experience higher productivity, live longer and have better self-esteem.
Final thoughts
Volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you and your organisation to connect to your community and make it a better place. There is much power in businesses engaging their workforce to volunteer on a regular basis.
Research suggests another advantage for self-sacrificing volunteers - the ability to get dates. Surprisingly, women rate such altruism high on their list of desirable traits in a mate.
So, go ahead and volunteer. It's easy and if you don't know where to start, login to: and start your journey to a long life.
Roshan Thiran is CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise. Roshan believes there is a time for everything, including volunteering.Roshan also hopes more HR leaders uncover the power that volunteerism brings to organisations.
This volunteer portal matches people like you and me, who desire to help and volunteer but never know where to look for volunteering opportunities, with organisations that need help and resources.
For years, I longed to see this “connection” happen, and finally, our team at Leaderonomics, with help from the team at The Star, has managed to pull off this magical portal.
But why was this so important to me and my team at Leaderonomics? Because volunteerism is how our nation can be transformed. More than that, volunteerism is the under-utilised secret weapon that individuals and corporations can leverage to take your organisation to greater heights.
The weapon
You want to live longer?
We know volunteering is good for your soul. But do you know that volunteering drives up productivity in organisations? Study after study show that volunteers actually live longer and have lower rates of disease than their peers who don't volunteer, no matter what age.
Research from both the Mayo Clinic and the University of California conclude that there are significant health benefits to volunteering, including lower mortality rates. Another study concluded that retirees over 65 who volunteered had less than half the risk of dying compared to their non-volunteering peers. “We found that volunteering remains a powerful predictor of decreased mortality among retirees, even after extensive adjustment for possible confounding factors,” wrote the study's authors. “Yes, volunteers live longer”, chimes Dr Gary Kennedy, who was one of the doctors who led another study in San Francisco.
In yet another study, people with chronic pain who volunteered as peer counsellors found that theirheart diseases, disability, chronic pain and feelings of depression all lessened from volunteering.
A Duke University study found that individuals who volunteered after experiencing heart attacks reported reductions in despair and depression two factors that that have been linked to mortality in post-coronary artery disease patients.
Imagine the implications for HR from ensuring volunteerism is a key agenda in your organisation: lower medical bills, fitter employees, more engaged workforce, people happier and more productive and you would have employees that lived very long and happy lives.
Combating depression
In fact, the most common workplace issue is stress and depression. And what is a possible cure? You guessed right volunteerism!
Volunteering combats depression. When we volunteer, our bodies produce oxytocin, which counters stress hormones associated with depression, such as cortisol and epinephrine.
A key risk factor for depression is social isolation. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and enables you to develop a firm support system, protecting you against stress and depression in challenging times.
“People who are socially engaged will have a better quality of life and better survival,” reinforces Dr Gary Kennedy.
In fact, employees who volunteer have higher self-confidence levels than those who don't. Volunteering provides a healthy boost to your self-esteem and life contentment. Doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment and purpose. It also gives you a sense of pride and identity.
And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and perform much better at work and at complicated tasks.
But the most important benefit that volunteerism brings to organisations is that it is a proven way to develop leaders.
Leaders are developed by experiences. A number of years ago, I led the volunteer organisation at General Electric (GE) and observed many careers developed through volunteerism. One such case was Sheela Chandran, who rose from an administrative assistant to a regional leader. Even as a secretary, Sheela got involved in organising volunteer activities for everyone at the office. She learned to influence people to support her causes and learned to mobilise groups of people.
At volunteer events, she would project manage, lead and give instructions to all of us to follow. She learned numerous leadership skills (for free!) by volunteering and leading volunteering efforts.
Her developing ability as a leader was noticed and she was promoted to more senior roles in the organisation.
Volunteering can also help you build upon skills you already have and use them to further your career. Just like Sheela, who improved her public speaking, communication, marketing and influencing skills, HR leaders should leverage volunteerism as a great leadership development tool. And in many cases, especially for young people, there are not many leadership roles available in your workplace to practice leadership. Volunteering provides your young people opportunity to practice leadership.
Another interesting research fact: 90% of successful corporate leaders were involved in some form of community work whilst they were young, enabling them to practice leadership at an early age. Yet many of these leaders have forgotten that this same means of their development should now be leveraged for their employee's development.
So, why do organisations not reap the benefits of volunteerism in a bigger way? Part of the issue is the perception that volunteering requires heaps of time.
But for you to live longer and benefit from the great side effects of volunteerism, research shows that you would only need to invest about 100 volunteer hours a year.
That breaks down to two to three hours a week. Just two to three hours a week and you experience higher productivity, live longer and have better self-esteem.
Final thoughts
Volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you and your organisation to connect to your community and make it a better place. There is much power in businesses engaging their workforce to volunteer on a regular basis.
Research suggests another advantage for self-sacrificing volunteers - the ability to get dates. Surprisingly, women rate such altruism high on their list of desirable traits in a mate.
So, go ahead and volunteer. It's easy and if you don't know where to start, login to: and start your journey to a long life.
Roshan Thiran is CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise. Roshan believes there is a time for everything, including volunteering.Roshan also hopes more HR leaders uncover the power that volunteerism brings to organisations.
Monday, July 9, 2012
And I Aizat
Lagu ni kalau dihayati betul2, mmg sgt.................................................
I Go lyrics :
So long, fare thee well
The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong
The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life youre my sweetest nightingale
But I cant hear it here no more
And I go
I go
Hush now, dont shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face
lirik lagu I Go Aizat lyrics
lirik lagu Aizat I Go lyrics
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Doa dimurahkan rezeki...Mari sama2 amalkan...
Doa ini saya pelajari dari seorang Guru yang banyak mengajar mengenai amalan Zikrullah. Seperti kebiasaannya beliau akan bermula dengan beberapa mukadimah serta doa-doa. Jadi saya ingin berkongsi beberapa ayat yang berguna bagi tujuan menambah rezeki serta memohon hajat dari Allah S.W.T.
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim,
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim,
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim.
Ya Allah ya tuhan kami tuhan yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
Tuhan yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui
tiada daya dan upaya kami, hanya kami berharap pada pertolongan Mu
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami,
jadikanlah cahaya di dalam hati kami
jadikanlah cahaya di pendengaran kami
jadikanlah cahaya di hadapan kami
jadikanlah cahaya di belakang kami
jadikanlah cahaya di kanan kami
jadikanlah cahaya di kiri kami
jadikanlah cahaya di atas kami
jadikanlah cahaya di bawah kami
jikalau cahaya itu sukar untuk kami, maka Engkau mudahkanlah cahaya itu untuk kami
jikalau rezeki kami dilangit, maka Engkau turunkanlah
jikalau rezeki kami diperut bumi, maka Engkau keluarkanlah
*Gantikan ‘KAMI’ menjadi ‘AKU’ jika berdoa sendirian.
:: Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani, hanya Engkau Yang kami sembah, dan kepada Engkaulah sahaja kami memohon pertolongan.
kredit/copy from:
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim,
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim,
Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim.
Ya Allah ya tuhan kami tuhan yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
Tuhan yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui
tiada daya dan upaya kami, hanya kami berharap pada pertolongan Mu
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami,
jadikanlah cahaya di dalam hati kami
jadikanlah cahaya di pendengaran kami
jadikanlah cahaya di hadapan kami
jadikanlah cahaya di belakang kami
jadikanlah cahaya di kanan kami
jadikanlah cahaya di kiri kami
jadikanlah cahaya di atas kami
jadikanlah cahaya di bawah kami
jikalau cahaya itu sukar untuk kami, maka Engkau mudahkanlah cahaya itu untuk kami
jikalau rezeki kami dilangit, maka Engkau turunkanlah
jikalau rezeki kami diperut bumi, maka Engkau keluarkanlah
*Gantikan ‘KAMI’ menjadi ‘AKU’ jika berdoa sendirian.
:: Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani, hanya Engkau Yang kami sembah, dan kepada Engkaulah sahaja kami memohon pertolongan.
kredit/copy from:
Islam itu Indah
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